There’s a difference between saying that you “think” something is true versus saying that you “know” that something is true. Researchers who study epistemic cognition are interested in how people decide that they “know” versus “think” or “believe” or “doubt” that something is true, and ways to help people make better decisions about what they “know.” Effective epistemic cognition is necessary to be a critical consumer and producer of knowledge in the modern world, but it is not easy or intuitive. The CLICK Research Group studies not only how individual people engage in epistemic cognition, but also how groups of people, such as scholars in science and history, decide what counts as evidence, and how they create knowledge from data, experience, and logic. The better people understand how knowledge is created in various contexts, the better able they will be to make informed choices about who and what to believe, and how to make good decisions about the many challenges of the modern world.
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